I took a lot of pictures of the items that we carried with us during the trip. I have spent the last few days cleaning all our gear and getting it stowed away. Working on some posts to show what was ‘in the bags’. In the meantime, for the curious, we rode approximately 9733 miles (15663 km), based on the F650GS odometer which is more accurate than the one on the R1200GS.
Sorry for not following your trip daily. Condo hunting in Vancouver was a lot more work than I thought.
Diane, I hope your hand is getting better.
Thank you for sharing your trip.
Hi Luke,
Diane’s hand is getting better already. Hope you found a condo you like.
Congratulations on completing such a great trip with no major incidents. I really enjoyed following your progress. See you in Phoenix Oliver – I’m sure you must owe me a beer or two.
Thanks :-). We had fun on our trip and sharing it via the blog. Yes, I owe you multiple beers at TechEd.
Wahoo! You’ll be at teched. Is Diane going? So if you owe Graham a few beers and I owe you a few beers then I just have to find someone who owes me a few beers and we all get drunk together. Yeeha!
Your probably tired of riding around the west but Sandy is coming out the weekend after teched and we plan to rent some bikes and go riding if your interested
Hi Rich,
Not sure if I’ll be at teched but hoping to be!
This may be a stretch for your weekend ride but some friends told us about US Route 191 (Coronado Trail) from Alpine to Morenci, ~90 miles with 70 miles of non-stop twisties. Warning: may be mentally and physically exhausting. Hope this link works:
Sooooo, still cleaning gear or what happened to the pics?? Any before and after?